Som specialist indenfor håndteringen af dekommissioneret IT-udstyr for store og mellemstore danske private som offentlige virksomheder, er fundamentet for vores ageren baseret på at kunne levere markedets mest komplette og sikre service. Vi afdækker de risici og krav, som stilles til virksomheders håndtering af data og databærende medier, når disse tages ud af driften. Det gør vi uden at gå på kompromis med fleksibilitet, cirkularitet eller økonomi.
Læs mere om datasikkerhed her
Ping IT A/S has changed name to T1A Enterprise A/S and have become a part of T1A Group.
As part of T1A Group we will going forward share a website with T1A A/S, T1A Ltd and T1A Deutschland.
Please visit the new website here:
(You will find us in the blue section under Asset recovery)
Although we change our name, we will remain at the same address, with the same VAT number and keep providing the same high level of support the company has been known for the past 12 years.
The change will be during the coming weeks, and we thank you all for your continued support and patience while we make the transition.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at +45 98 15 47 77.
Have a great day.
Best regards
T1A Enterprise A/S